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Displaying posts 157 - 168 of 188 in total

We launched a new DeployHQ!

Posted in October 2017 on the DeployHQ blog

On Thursday, we marked the launch of a brand new brand & UI for DeployHQ with a live stream. The stream itself went out live on Youtube from 11.30am with...

Beta Testers Wanted ‑ Deploy Build Commands

Posted in September 2017 on the DeployHQ blog

Recent progress in the web development world has led to increased usage of preprocessors (Haml, Sass, LESS etc.) and transpilers (Coffeescript, Typescript, Babel). Static Site Generators such as Jekyll or...

Deploying with tags

Posted in June 2017 on the DeployHQ blog

We've just deployed an enhancement to the commit selection functionality in Deploy, allowing you to not only choose from or search for commits that have been pushed to your repository,...

Deploy will be at PHP South Coast 2017

Posted in June 2017 on the DeployHQ blog

Tomorrow and Saturday, we will be attending PHP South Coast 2017 in Portsmouth, ready to answer any questions that attendees might have about Deploy. We will be giving away free...

Troubleshooting server issues in Deploy

Posted in May 2017 on the DeployHQ blog

There are a number of issues you might run into when adding a new server to your Deploy project, which we'll be outlining further in this post. To start, we'll...

Using submodules in Deploy

Posted in May 2017 on the DeployHQ blog

One of the most common issues users can experience when setting up a Deploy project is a submodule related error. These can be tricky to diagnose, so, in this post...