
My name is Dan. My primary role at aTech is to develop and maintain our hosted applications, such as Codebase and Deploy. I'm often the person who responds to helpdesk tickets where further investigation is needed. My preferences include; beer over lager, dogs over cats, coffee over tea and cars from the 80s.

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Displaying all 9 posts

Beta Testers Wanted ‑ Deploy Build Commands

Posted in September 2017 on the DeployHQ blog

Recent progress in the web development world has led to increased usage of preprocessors (Haml, Sass, LESS etc.) and transpilers (Coffeescript, Typescript, Babel). Static Site Generators such as Jekyll or...

Wiring up Deploy for Websockets (part 1)

Posted in June 2016 on the DeployHQ blog

In the last few weeks we've introduced websockets into Deploy to improve our deployments. In the next couple of posts we'll delve into the how and why of this development.

Deploy at PHP South Coast

Posted in June 2016 on the DeployHQ blog

This Saturday we'll be attending the 2nd PHP South Coast Conference. Located in Portsmouth at the historic Action Stations boathouse we'll be on hand all day to give demonstrations and answer any questions.

FTPS Support

Posted in April 2015 on the DeployHQ blog

Good news if you need to use FTP to upload your files to your server, but you'd like a little extra security. Today we're introducing support with for FTPS (SSL/TLS).

Customise your notifications

Posted in January 2015 on the DeployHQ blog

For a long time, Deploy has been able to send messages to your private chat system of choice (Hipchat, Slack, Campfire or Flowdock) to alert you to the success for...